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Fig. 9 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Fig. 9

From: Rossberg landslide history and flood chronology as recorded in Lake Lauerz sediments (Central Switzerland)

Fig. 9

Chronology of flood layers based on sedimentological recognition of 1806 ad event layer and additional 14C ages from core 1. Individual layers were dated after removing thickness of B2- and B3-layers assuming constant sedimentation rates for individual intervals between adjacent datings. Even numbered, shaded areas represent periods with frequent occurring flood layers separated from each other by calm periods (odd numbered) with few to none flood events. Events marked with stars represent the six most outstanding layers, revealing thickness >4 cm. They are dated to 1876 (see text), 1850, 1660, 1290, 1160, and 610 ad, respectively, and are interpreted to represent runoff events with exceptionally high magnitudes

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