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Fig. 3 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Fig. 3

From: Brittle faulting in the Rawil depression: field observations from the Rezli fault zones, Helvetic nappes, Western Switzerland

Fig. 3

a Geological map of the Rezli fault zones (RFZ). Location of the map is indicated on Fig. 1b. b Stratigraphic column of the study area. The following units have been mapped: (1) Kieselkalk Fm (Hauterivian): dark-grey, brownish alternation of marls and crinoidal, siliceous limestones, (2) Tierwis Fm (Barremian), Drusberg member: bedded grey marls and marly, siliceous limestones, (3) Schrattenkalk Fm (Late Barremian to Early Aptian, “Urgonian”): massive, light-grey, bioclastic and oolitic limestone rich in rudists and corals, unconformably overlain by (4) Garschella Fm (late Aptian-middle Turonian): glauconitic and fossil-rich sandstones and limestones with abundant phosphate nodules, (5) Seewen Fm (late Turonian-Campanian): pelagic, micritic, light-grey limestones (biomicrite), rich in pyrite (Seewerkalk member) and yellowish, bioturbated marls also rich in pyrite (Seewerschiefer member), unconformably overlain by (6) Klimsenhorn Fm (Lutetian-Bartonian): massive, yellowish quartz-sandstone with layers of dark-grey, fossil-rich limestones, (7) Wildstrubel Fm (Bartonian-Priabonian): dark-brownish, sandy, mica-rich marls and sandstones. c Geological profile through the mapped area. The profile trace is indicated on a. The profile shows the geometry of the area as it existed before the RFZ developed: the sedimentary rocks of the Wildhorn nappe are folded into a large-scale syncline with thrusts developed on the normal limb of the syncline

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