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Fig. 6 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Fig. 6

From: Syn-thrust deformation across a transverse zone: the Grem–Vedra fault system (central Southern Alps, N Italy)

Fig. 6

Field photos of the main structures in the study area; their location is shown in Fig. 3. a The uppermost thrust sheets: the Menna-Nossana (5), and the Arera (6) units exposed on the western slopes of Corna Piana; b the Mt. Vaccaro syncline below Mt. Vaccaro, view from Mt. Golla to the east; c asymmetric parasitic folds along the lower limb of the Mt. Vaccaro syncline in the upper reaches of the Parina valley; d the southern termination of the Corno Branchino syncline E of Mt. Arera at the Bocchetta di Corna Piana, view to the north from the western slopes of Mt. Arera. Compare with a. e Relationships between the N-Grem fault and the floor thrust of the Mt. Arera unit along the western slopes of Mt. Area, just south of d

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