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Fig. 5 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Fig. 5

From: Evidence of hydrothermal fluid flow in a hyperextended rifted margin: the case study of the Err nappe (SE Switzerland)

Fig. 5

Photomicrographs of pre- to post-tectonic sediments at Fuorcla Cotschna. a TL image of finely crystalline dolostone with shrinkage pores filled with dolomite cement. b CL detail of a shrinkage pore filled with concentrically zoned dolomite cement showing alternances of bright to dull reddish orange zones. c TL and d crossed polarizers images of a sucrosic dolostone of the Hauptdolomit Fm. crossed by coarse crystalline saddle dolomite vein. e TL image of carbonate clasts in the Bardella Fm. with quartz (black arrow) and dolomite (white arrow) veins which stop at the edge of the clasts. f TL and g crossed polarizers detail of multiphase filling of vein within a clast in the Saluver Fm.: a first, 200 μm thick, isopachous rim of dolomite is followed by a fibrous quartz infill. h TL image of quartz veins crosscutting both clasts and matrix in the Saluver Fm. i TL and l crossed nicols images of polymict brownish conglomerate with a finely silicified matrix. m TL and n crossed nicols images of the large septarian-like nodule in Radiolarian Chert. Isopachous, botroidal chalcedony rims the cavity walls and is followed by a coarse mosaic of quartz crystals in the inner part of the cavities

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