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Fig. 10 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Fig. 10

From: A marine pebbly mudstone from the Swiss Alps: palaeotectonic implications and some consequences for the interpretation of Precambrian diamictites

Fig. 10

Field photographs of blocks II. a Block 6 (Eocene glauconite limestone) at locality 2. View is approximately parallel to (the very steep) bedding. b Subangular micrite block (Cretaceous?) at locality 1 with clearly visible impact structures below. c Carbonate block (Helvetic Kieselkalk, block number 33) with karst features (pits) on its surface (locality 3). d Typical, sub- to moderately rounded micrite pebble (locality 1). e Detail of micrite block (number 1) with belemnite fragment just left of the coin. f Micrite block with long axis parallel to bedding (locality 3)

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