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Table 2 Examples of dolomitization reported throughout the Phanerozoic

From: Dolomitization of the Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks in the Geneva Basin, Switzerland and France


Geological age



Type(s) and characteristics of dolomite(s)

Model(s)/origin(s) of dolomitization

Moore et al. (1988)

Late Jurassic

NW Golf of Mexico


1. Fine—pervasive—early

2. Coarse—replacive—cloudy cores and clear rims

3. Euhedral—pore filling

Evaporative reflux-meteoric water mixing model or recrystallization model by reflux in a meteoric water system. No unique conclusive scenario

Nader et al. (2007)

Late Jurassic

Central Lebanon


1. Coarse (< 200 µm)- planar anhedral to subhedral

2. Very coarse (> 400 µm)—planar anhedral to euhedral—sometimes cloudy cores and clear rims

3. Coarse to very coarse (200 to 400 µm)—planar subhedral to euhedral

4. Fine to very coarse (50 to 600 µm)—planar subhedral to euhedral—cloudy cores and clear rims

1. Synsedimentary microbial dolomitization

2. Fault controlled hydrothermal dolomitization

3. Near surface mixing/meteoric dolomite dissolution

4. Deep burial dolomitization

Goldberg (1967)

Late Jurassic

Negeve, Southern Israel

HaMakhtesh HaQatan

Anhedral to hypidiotopic and idiotopic

Supratidal dolomitization, reflux of hypersaline water

De-dolomitization related to subaerial exposure

Adabi (2009)

Late Jurassic

Kopet-Dagh Basin, N.E. Iran


1. Fine (~ 40 µm)—subhedral

2. Medium (~ 140 µm)—euhedral—replacive—cloudy core and clear rims

3. Medium (220 µm)—subhedral to anhedral—destructive

4. Coarse (~ 500 µm)—anhedral

5. coarse—planar-C, often euhedral crystals—void filling cement

1. Replacement dolomite in supratidal to upper intertidal setting, near surface by seawater interactions

2. Shallow burial dolomite from dissolution of HMC

3. Shallow to intermediate burial

4. and 5. Deeper and maximum burial diagenesis

Wierzbicki et al. (2006)

Late Jurassic

Nova Scotia, Canada

Abenaki pf, Deep Panuke reservoir

Fine to medium—anhedral to subhedral—clear or cloudy cores and clear rims

saddle—void-filling cement and replacive

Hydrothermal dolomitization during deep burial

Hydrothermal dedolomitization

Barale et al. (2013)

Middle-Late Jurassic

Maritime Alps, Italy

Provençal and Subbriançonnais Units

1. Fine to medium—anhedral to subhedral—replacive

2. Coarse to very coarse—saddle—replacive—void filling cement

Several dolomitization pulses from hydrothermal fluids separated by hydrofractured processes

Bajestani et al. (2016)

Middle-Late Jurassic

Central Iran

Qal’eh Dokthar

1. Fine (30 µm)—subhedral—replacive

2. Medium (150 µm)—subhedral—cloudy cores

3. Medium (150 µm)—euhedral—cloudy cores and clear rims

4. Coarse (600 µm) subhedral—fabric destructive—cloudy cores and clear rims

5. Coarse (700 µm)—euhedral—fabric destructive

6. Coarse—void filling cement

1. Low temperature early dolomitization from seawater

2. and 3. Shallow burial dolomitization

4. and 5. Deep and maximal burial diagenesis, Mg source is diagenesis of clay and compaction of mudstone

Buchbinder et al. (1984)

Middle-Late Jurassic

Ashgod-Gan Yavne, Israel

Zohar and Shderot Formations

1. Large—anhedral—replacive

2. Fine to very coarse—euhedral to subhedral—replacive

3. Fine to medium—subhedral—replacive or cement

Dolomitization by a meteoric dominated fluid in a mixing zone or freshwater phreatic environment

  1. The selected cases, based on relevance for the present study, range from the Middle to Upper Jurassic, along with dolomite types reported, the model of dolomitization and the locality