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Fig. 10 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Fig. 10

From: Meliatic blueschists and their detritus in Cretaceous sediments: new data constraining tectonic evolution of the West Carpathians

Fig. 10

Pelagic metasediment from the Bôrka Nappe (locality Dobšiná–Stirn, sample OS-07-147): a Photomicrograph of laminated metasilicite with alternating layers rich in elliptical phantoms (pseudomorphs) after radiolarians (lower part) and with predominating altered primary basaltic material (upper part), parallel pol.; b Photomicrograph of Na-actinolite pseudomorphs (blue) after glaucophane, parallel pol.; c BSE image of a layer rich in actinolite, epidote, chlorite and tourmaline; d BSE image of two types of tourmaline; e BSE image of two types of epidote; f BSE image Na-actinolite, albite, biotite and chlorite pseudomorphs after glacophane. X-ray compositional maps of Al (g), Ca (h) and Fe (i) in the Tur1 (dravite) and Tur2 (schorl) (for chemical analyses see Online resource 5). X-ray compositional maps of Al (j), Ca (k) and Fe (l) in the Ep1 (clinozoisite) and Ep2 (epidote) (for chemical analyses see Online resource 6). Increase in the Al, Ca and Fe contents is indicated by blue–green–yellow–red colours

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