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Fig. 4 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Fig. 4

From: Meliatic blueschists and their detritus in Cretaceous sediments: new data constraining tectonic evolution of the West Carpathians

Fig. 4

Photomicrographs and backscattered electron (BSE) images of samples taken from blocks of radiolarites and serpentinites occurring in the polygenous mélange at the localities Nandráž and Tri peniažky near Jelšava town (Fig. 2). Dark brown–red radiolarites affected only by diagenetic and/or very low-grade metamorphic overprint; a ghosts of radiolarians, sample NAN 3, parallel pol.; b detail of a, parallel pol.; c two generations of diagenetic quartz veins in radiolarite, sample NAN 6, parallel pol.; d quartz veins and carbonate rhombohedrons in radiolarite, sample NAN 6. Metaradiolarite containing blueschist-facies metamorphic assemblage of spessartine garnet (Sps; see Online resource 4), ferroglaucophane (Fgl) and Mn-epidote (piemontite Pmt). Locality Nandráž, sample NAN 5. e Characteristic black-brown pigmentation and phantoms of radiolarians in the radiolarite, parallel pol.; f BSE image of radiolarite with Sps; g BSE image of Sps in the radiolarite; h BSE image of the Sps and Fgl in the radiolarite; i BSE image of the Sps and Pmt in the radiolarite. Serpentinites, locality Tri peniažky: j serpentinite with pseudomorphs after pyroxene, sample TRI 0715-1, parallel pol.; k serpentinite with preserved original peridotitic structure (pseudomorphs after pyroxene, olivine and spinel), sample TRI 0715-2, parallel pol.; l pseudomorphs after spinel (1), olivine (2) and pyroxene (3), sample TRI 0715-2, crossed pol

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