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Fig. 3 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Fig. 3

From: Miocene syn-rift lacustrine sediments in the Mecsek Mts. (SW Hungary)

Fig. 3

Typical appearance and lithofacies of the Pécsvárad Limestone and Komló Claymarl Members. Pécsvárad Mb.: a Conglomerate and breccia resting unconformably on basement carbonate rocks (Abaliget); b coarse sand and mollusc coquina, typical over granitic basement (Lovászhetény); c coquina of Congeria and Ferebithynia (Bulimus) shells with granite pebbles (Feked); d limestone conglomerate derived from the directly underlying basement rocks (Abaliget). Komló Mb: e massive carbonate-cemented siltstone and fine sandstone (Abaliget); f dacite tuff interbedd in massive claymarl, sampled for K/Ar dating (Abaliget)

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