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Fig. 6 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Fig. 6

From: A laboratory approach for the calibration of seismic data in the western part of the Swiss Molasse Basin: the case history of well Humilly-2 (France) in the Geneva area

Fig. 6

Representative optical photomicrograph showing: a sample HU13; Pliensbachian—Posidonia shale. A considerable fine quartz (Qz) sand content exceeds 27% in volume are embedded in micrite ‘composed of 1–4 \(\upmu\)m-sized clay mineral’. Fine-crystalline dolomite (Dol) rhombs are embedded in the mud matrix; sample HU-13. b sample HU14; Sinnemurian—very fine-grained homogeneous micrite (> 91% calcite). A few of shell fragment (benthonic forams) which are preserved as a mold (MF) and filled with mostly diagenetic calcite, are embedded within very fine-grained homogeneous micrite. c sample HU21; Triassic Muschelkalk shows the microcrystalline micrite-dominated dolostone (fine-crystalline dolostone (Dol). d sample HU24; Triassic Muschelkalk presents the abundance of fibrous anhydrite (Anh) as the evaporite minerals in dolomitic (Dol) carbonate-support. e sample HU25; Triassic Buntsandstein. The kaolinization (Kln) of K-feldspar (Kfs) is occurring to form the clay cement for pore-filling and grain-coating on Quartz (Qz) minerals. Micro-fractures in quartz grains are not so common and filled by later diagenetic minerals. f sample HU29; Permo-Carboniferous unit. It shows slight laminations of fine-quartz (Qz) grains associated with kaolinite and biotite (Bt). The preservation of detrital feldspar and clay minerals (background) significantly contribute in the reduction of the porosity (0.87 ± 0.16%)

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