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Fig.11 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences


From: Late Palaeozoic tectonics in Central Mediterranean: a reappraisal


a Coarse-grained tonalite of the Granite Complex, showing magmatic to submagmatic fabric which is highlighted by aligned euhedral to subhedral plagioclase phenocrysts, aggregates of biotite flakes and quartz ribbons; b Sheared pegmatite, intruded into gabbro-norite, from western margin of SLSZ (see Fig. 10c, d). This pegmatite was intruded and sheared along the SLSZ during isothermal decompression from ~ 0.7 to 0.5 GPa at 800 °C (Zibra et al. 2012 and Fig. 10e,f); c Coarse-grained granitic gneiss along the contact between Granite Complex and Diorite-Granite complex (Bocca Civenti Shear Zone). Natural section nearly perpendicular to mylonitic foliation (subvertical) and subparallel to the stretching lineation. S/C and C’ subfabrics indicate sinistral shear; d Mylonitized intrusive contact between a granite pegmatite and host gabbro–norite, near the top of the SLSZ. Sinistral shear sense indicated by σ-type mantled K-feldspar (in pegmatite) and plagioclase porphyroclasts (in gabbro–norite); e, f Outcrop-scale evidence of melt-present deformation (e) boudinaged pegmatoid Opx-bearing tonalite, previously injected into the host melagabbro. Boudin neck is locally filled by undeformed leucotonalite (f), interpreted to have been a melt. Stretched Opx porphyroclasts may be observed adjacent to the vein boundaries; (g) Mylonitic fabric affecting felsic granulite and meta-gabbro-norite. Shear bands and asymmetric porphyroclast systems show sinistral shear sense (more details in Zibra et al. 2010)

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