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Fig. 13 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Fig. 13

From: Alpine peak pressure and tectono-metamorphic history of the Monte Rosa nappe: evidence from the cirque du Véraz, upper Ayas valley, Italy

Fig. 13

Comparison of measured XMg chloritoid zoning and thermodynamically calculated XMg chloritoid zoning: a Thermodynamic pseudo-section, identical to pseudo-section presented in Fig. 11a including XMg values for chloritoid. Prograde pathways 1–6 marked with black arrows. Geotherms for 5 and 10 °C/km marked with blue lines. b Thermodynamic pseud-section with volume% of chloritoid. c Measured microprobe XMg of chloritoid from core to rim of sample 19MR-03. d pseudo-section derived XMg of chloritoid for sample 19MR-03 for the various prograde pathways represented in a and b, plotted against pseudo-section predicted volume% of chloritoid. e pseudo-section derived XMg of chloritoid plotted against a radius calculated from the predicted volume% of chloritoid during prograde growth for a rectangular geometry (see Appendix 1 for details about exponential factor n)

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