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Fig. 3 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Fig. 3

From: Rift-related paleogeography of the European margin in the Eastern Alps (Central Tauern Window)

Fig. 3

Simplified tectonic cross-section of the central Tauern Window, with legend and location given in Fig. 2. Half-arrows denote nappe transport along thrusts for the main D1 and D2 nappe stacking thrusts (black symbols, locally overturned), reactivated by the D3 sheath fold emplacement thrusts in the lower limb of the Seidlwinkl sheath fold nappe (pink symbols), a thrust reactivated as a D3 normal fault in the hanging wall of the sheath fold (white symbols) and a D4 thrust within the Venediger nappe system (grey symbols; see Groß et al., 2020 and Groß et al., 2021 for details)

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